Monday, November 10, 2008

Early Gesture Drawings

30 seconds:
Early gesture drawing. Long axis lines are there, other than the spine. Not much in the way of landmarks. No ribcage or pelvis.
30 seconds:
Another really early gesture drawing. Probably one of the first days of class. Though the whole figure is on the plane, and it is clear what the position is, the lines all have basically the same weights, and there is no evidence of landmarks.
60 seconds:
This is one of my earlier gesture drawings. It was done before we learned many of the landmarks, thus it does not include marks of the ribcage, or pelvis. But, many of the long axis lines are still evident. The spine is the long line on the right, and the legs and arms are visible. Considering this is one of my earlier drawings, I still think it is rather strong as a gesture drawing. It is clear what the model is doing, and the whole figure is present within the plane.

As a whole for these early gesture drawings, they all show what the position was, they all show the whole figure, and they all do a decent job of showing the long axis lines. Early on, I guess I was more concerned with getting the proportions and positions right more than getting the drawing to look good. There is not much in the way of line variation or how the image was composed on the page.

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